DO-178C, DO-254, ARP 4754A, etc. (all the standards and policy documents involving systems, software, hardware certification) have many unique terms, abbreviations, and acronyms. Here we’ve combined the most commonly-used (and often misunderstood) terms with their applicable acronyms (when appropriate) so you have a complete understanding of what these things stand for and mean. This is not meant to be a complete list of every term or acronym you may encounter in a certification program. You should review the complete glossaries that are part of the DO-178C, DO-254 and ARP 4754A documents themselves. For a complete list of certification-related FAA acronyms, visit
- Activity
- Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC)
- Advisory Circular (AC)
- AC/AMC 20-115D
- AC 20-152/AMC 20-152A
- AC/AMC 20-189
- AC/AMC 20-193
- Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP)
- Airborne Electronic Hardware (AEH)
- Aircraft Certification Office (ACO)
- Airworthiness
- Airworthiness Certification Services, LLC. (ACS)
- Airworthiness Directive (AD)
- Anomalous Behavior
- Archive
- Authorized Representative (AR)
- Baseline
- Baselines and Traceability
- Branch
- Certificate of Airworthiness (C of A)
- Certification Authority or Representative
- Certification Authorities Software Team (CAST)
- Certification Basis
- Certification Credit
- Certification Memoranda (CM)
- Certification Review Item (CRI)
- Change Control (CC)
- Change Control Board (CCB)
- Change Impact Analysis (CIA)
- Change Review
- Code (or Source Code)
- Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
- Complex Electronic Hardware (CEH)
- Compliance
- Conceptual Design(s)
- Configuration Identification
- Configuration Item (CI)
- Configuration Management (CM)
- Configuration Status Accounting
- Conformity
- Control Category (CC1, CC2, HC1, HC2)
- Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS)
- Commercial Off-The-Shelf Intellectual Property (COTS IP)
- Coverage Analysis
- Department of Transportation (DOT)
- Derived Requirement
- Designated Engineering Representative (DER)
- Design (or Development) Assurance Level (DAL)
- Designated Engineering Representative (DER)
- DO-160G
- DO-178C (ED-12C)
- DO-254
- DO-278A
- DO-330 (ED-215)
- DO-331 (ED-218)
- DO-332 (ED-217)
- DO-333 (ED-217)
- Elemental Analysis
- European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
- Function
- Functional Failure Path Analysis (FFPA)
- Hardware Description Language (HDL)
- Hardware Item
- High-Level Requirement (HLR)
- Item
- Item DAL (IDAL)
- Level of FAA Involvement (LOFI)
- Life Cycle (Hardware or Software Item)
- Low-Level Requirement (LLR)
- Module
- Multi-Core Processor
- Objectives
- Order
- Open Problem Report (OPR)
- Preliminary System Safety Assessment (PSSA)
- Previously Developed Hardware (PDH)
- Process and Artifact Compliance Tool (PACT)
- Patmos Engineering Services, Inc.
- Peer Review
- Problem Reporting (PR)
- Process Assurance (PA)
- Product
- Project
- Quality Assurance (QA)
- Repository
- Requirement
- Requirements-Based Coverage Analysis
- Robustness
- Simple Electronic Hardware (SEH)
- Single Event Effect (SEE)
- Single Event Upset (SEU)
- Software Item
- Source Code
- Stage of Involvement (SOI)
- Structural Coverage Analysis (SCA)
- Supplemental Type Certificate (STC)
- System
- System Safety Assessment (SSA)
- Target Testing
- Test Case (TC)
- Test Coverage Analysis (TCA)
- Test Procedure (TP)
- Traceability
- Transition Criteria
- Transition Review
- Tool Qualification (TQ)
- Top Level Drawing (TLD)
- Type Certificate (TC)